
Welcome to my Website!

You're in for a good time :)

This is a work in progress, pardon our dust!

Weeeeeeeeeee I have no clue what I'm doing!!!

Updates?? Well for starters, the guestbook I was using kinda is shutting down. So unfortunately the history on there will get absolutely murked. Luckily there's plenty of other ones out there so I'll just use one of those

Specifically, I want to use this one. Alsoooo, I'm gonna try and fill this site with more things I care about, art things, ocs, you get the gist. Maybe even some weird arg things.

That's the plan! It's nice to finally replace the default text that's been sitting here for hell knows how long. That sidebar is staying for now though.. I know I knowww, still the default text there, im bein lazy. But I swear I'll get to it eventually xD